January 31, 2020, NASA Ames Research Center

January 31, 2020, NASA Ames Research Center, Building 3
500 Severyns Ave, Moffett field, CA 94035
Itinerary, Friday January 31 2020
Breakfast, poster set up: 8AM
Welcome: 9-9:10
Lynn: 9:10-20
Scott: 9:20-9:40
Steve: 9:40-10
Mark: 10-10:15
10:30-12:00 report of working groups, new groups form
12-1 lunch, posters
1-3:30 working groups
3:30-3:45 break
3:45-4:45 reports of working groups
5 adjourn, drinks at Space Bar with whoever is not in a hurry to leave.
On Thursday, January 30, we will have informal dinner for all available participants. We meet at 6PM, at Cascal restaurant,
Cascal restaurant website
400 Castro St, Mountain View, CA 94041.
Please not that participants are paying for their own food and drink.
To register please fill out this google form.
The registration form is also an application for a travel grant. Deadline for travel grant application is November 15 2019.
NASA Ames has dorm-style lodge, at prices much lower thn average hotel price in this area. The lodge buildings are walking distance from the building where the Workshop will be.
To book rooms in the lodge, please call housing front desk, 650-604-8100.
Tell them you are with the group "Build-a-Cell".
Bldg. 19 Newly renovated rooms $253 a night.
Bldg. 19 Non-renovated rooms $85 a night.
Bldg 583 Queen bed $75 a night.
Bldg 583 2twin beds $70 night.
Please note: the lodge is under renovation. In January there will be no wifi in the rooms, and no breakfast. Price is still extremely competitive for the area, and rooms are comfortable, if not fancy.
All rooms have private bathrooms.
lodge website
Working groups
In addition to the below listed groups, we welcome suggestions for in situ formation of new working groups after the general discussion.
Please check out working group list before the workshop. You will be able to join any group that assembles during the workshop.
LifeOS Roadmap
Building an operating system for life.
google doc link LifeOS folder
Interlab Group
A list of potential components/subsystems that have already been demonstrated in isolation by differently and could be potentially integrated together in a "synthetic cell” to demonstrate some interesting function. Output is diagram showing the components and some made-up graphs showing what we think we could demonstrate.
google doc link interlab group
PURE that makes PURE/better translation group
Self-replicating translation systems, making and upgrading cell-free protein expression extracts
Expected outcome: white paper review? list of problems that need to be solved to obtain self-replicating PURE
google doc link pure group
In silico cell group
Software for modelling and simulation of synthetic cell metabolism, transport, signaling and circuits
Expected outcome (Aug 2018): list of available codes and protocols, list of needs for inputs and wishes for outputs, start dedicated Git.
Put together a v0.1 simulation of a synthetic cell that has whatever functionality we can muster.
google doc link in silico group
Questions group
something house science accumulation
google doc link theory group
Communications group
Creating a set of (freely shareable) slides that can be used by anyone to introduce, explain, and advocate for building cells
google doc link communications group
Essentoal genes group
Essential genes of known and unknown function - minimal gene list for cell
google doc link communications group
If you need invitation letter for US visa, please email Kate Adamala.