Requests for Comment

RFC Editors: Anton Jackson-Smith and Alexis Casas

The Build a Cell RFC series provides a forum for the development and sharing of projects, tools, data, and information relevant to the Build a Cell and broader global cell-building communities, at a faster pace with fewer barriers to participation than journal based publication. The series accepts all content relevant to building cells, including conceptual ideas, protocols, best practices, results (positive and negative), and general information. For further information, see RFC 0.

RFCs for Building Cells
Anton Jackson-Smith & Alexis Casas
Details the process and motivation for the Build a Cell RFC series.

Proposals for Integration Projects from WS10 Integration
Workshop #10 Integration Working Group
Reports on the integration working group projects developed at Build a Cell Workshop #10 at the University of Minneapolis, MN. The RFC also lays out specific project proposal developed by WG subgroups at the workshop, which serve as a basis for needs-finding for required integration capacities and as a foundation for ongoing integration projects.